22 April 2013

How Boston Exposes America’s Dark Post-9/11 Bargain | Alternet

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How Boston Exposes America’s Dark Post-9/11 Bargain

Why did this story drive the whole country nuts? Because we traded rights for "security," and didn't get either.
To put it mildly, this has been a bad week for democracy and a worse one for public discourse. In the minutes and hours after the bombs went off in Boston last Monday, marathon runners, first responders and many ordinary citizens responded to a chaotic situation with great courage and generosity, not knowing whether they might be putting their own lives at risk. Since then, though, it’s mostly been a massive and disheartening national freakout, with pundits, politicians, major news outlets and the self-appointed sleuths of the Internet – in fact, nearly everyone besides those directly affected by the attack – heaping disgrace upon themselves.

How Boston Exposes America’s Dark Post-9/11 Bargain | Alternet

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