13 May 2010

Ethnic Studies and Aztlan Modernization Project

Xicano Studies, when done right, does a couple of things: 1) it provides a historical context in which to understand the economic and social situation of Xicanos today, 2) it fixes Xicanos as indigenous to the Southwest portion of this country. Which is why white people are so threaten by it. Because if there is one thing that white people understand its how to say something belongs to you whether it does or not. 

Their own innate nationalism understand that a myth which survived the initial conquest and for centuries lay semi dormant in the Mexicano collective conscious has found fertile ground in the minds of young Xicanos. Myth and reality combined - the point of Aztlan is that it creates (especially within the context of a Xicano Studies program) a legitimate physical location for Xicanos. Aztlan is myth trying to come alive,
 Every cultural group, nation, or people exist within a particular mythic horizon that corresponds to their particular vision of truth. This is the myth they live ... In this respect the myth of Aztlan function to provide identity, location, and meaning for a people who were previously directionless in their collective existential pilgrimage through earth (Pina, 37).
And where does all this European trepidation about the US being split in two by the growing 'Hispanic' populations A few years ago this split was predicted by Prof. Charles Truxillo who was then at the University of New Mexico. Truxillo said in part that
the new country should be brought into being 'by any means necessary,' but recently said it was unlikely to be formed by civil war. Instead, its creation will be accomplished by the electoral pressure of the future majority Hispanic population in the region.
Truxillo is a weird dude. I had the opportunity to hear him speak at the NACCS conference a few years ago in Albuerquerque and it was interesting to say the least. Truxillo is a fascist and an open admirer of fascist like Juan Peron of Argentina and Francisco Franco of Spain. He clearly announced that what the Xicano movement needed was strong leaders of their caliber. Interesting to say the least.

It is important to say that because Truxillo is a fascist, doesn't in any way mean everything having to do with Xicano nationalism is fascist. I know that may seem simplistic but for some reason people mix up fascism and nationalism all the time. It may of course have more to do with the persons own fear of the responsibility that comes along with a strong nationalism than it does the facts of the situation.

Yeah. So Truxillo on a personal level didn't really do it for me. But, I find his ideas, even if I don't share his vision of the reality, intriguing to say the least. Truxillo argues for non violent revolution. Mostly I think because as he says in his 2008 paper The Inevitability of a Mexicano Nation in the American Southwest & Northern Mexico, 
The emergence of an independent Mexicano country in El Norte -- the American Southwest and Northern Mexico will not be achieved through violence or civil war. For who could stand up to the military might of the United States? Instead, one has to imagine a three-fold process by which Nortenos - Chicanos, Mexican Americans, and Northern Mexicanos - slowly move toward a new national consciousness and then aspire for nationhood.
Truxillo points to the peaceful dissolution of the Soviet bloc and the numerous non violent 'color revolutions' that have taken place since then as examples of how this can be done. In reality what Truxillo is pointing toward is the creation of a political party. A popular front that makes it possible to educate and articulate the aspirations of a large group of people.

You see the real threat here is that as masters of war European Americans know all revolution begin with education. Talking, debating, planning. Guns and all the stuff you see in the movies comes much, much later. Books, manifestos, flyers, house meetings are first. Education is always first.

Take a look at the literature being produced by the the Albert Einstein Institute this institute promotes the peace change of power. The founder Prof. Gene Sharp (although denying any formal relationship) has spent most of his life working with the CIA in one capacity or another. His how to overthrow a government book From Dictatorship to Democracy has been translated into dozens of languages and distributed around the world.

In the introduction to this book, Sharp states in part,
In recent years various dictatorship - of both internal and external origin - have collapsed or stumbled when confronted by defiant, mobilize people. Often seen as firmly entrenched and impregnable, some of these dictatorships proved unable to withstand the concerted political, economic, and social defiance of the people ... Although those struggles have not brought to an end the ruling dictatorships or occupations, they have exposed the brutal nature of those repressive regimes to the world community and have provided the populations with valuable experience with this form of struggle. 
Xicano Studies courses need to drop the post modern identity/border crap and start passing out Gene Sharps' from Dictatorship to Democracy (free download from the internet). It is a good all American book that supports the uplifting of the socially oppressed and economically downtrodden all over the world. While it is important to know where we come from - we spend to much time in classrooms trying to get kids to be proud of their history, their identity and not enough planning for the future.

It seems after so many years of frontal attacks and attempted assassinations Xicano Studies has turned in to a cultural crisis management program based on the metaphysical or 'bloodline' transference of culture. I would argue from a materialist perspective that culture is created from the material conditions it arises in and those conditions for millions of young Xicana/os currently dictate some type of action. What that action will be remains to be seen.

What does Xicano Studies teach our kids about resistance to oppression as opposed to recognizing oppression? West German freedom fighter Ulrike Mienhof one of the founders of the Red Army Faction once said 'protest is when I say this does not please me. Resistance is when I ensure what does not please me occurs no more.'

Aztlan Libre!
Mexica Tiwi!

11 May 2010

Its time for a Party

Vote Vote Vote Vote Vote.

We live in a time of political upheaval. Across the world the seemingly indisputible authority of the United State government is being disputed on a daily basis. Outside of its border and within - the recent arrest of a paramilitary Christian group in Adrian, Mich., not far from where I live is certainly an indication of how everyday 'normal' white folks are very very very upset with their government.

So how do we handle the ideological force feed we experience around the issue of voting? It appears for many voting has become the default action when it comes to political involvement. How did we come to this pitiful state of affairs regarding participation in the social and political affairs of the nation?

The abdication of personal responsibility through voting (or opting out of voting) has reached epidemic proportions. The ubiquitous 'if you don't vote you can't complain' cliche has taken on the sound of everyday common sense and any proposed solution that doesn't include some type of voting is dismissed summarily. Coupled vote tunnel vision with so-called service learning projects around the country and social action is reduced to painting fences and picking up trash. We've got a real problem!

When legislation designed to disengage a significant portion of the population even further from the political process of everyday life is not only introduced but passed and approved of by the majority of the residents of that state - I hate to break it to you but painting fences isn't going to get it.

When did we give up trying to have a say in our own lives? For the most part the political activities we have access to are monumental failures. Mostly because very few people in our community have ever seen them work for our community. Is it any wonder why the best ideas we can come up with only center on voting and lobbying elected officials. Please understand my point - I'm not saying voting and lobbying elected official doesn't work - I'm saying it doesn't work for us.

I'm also convinced at this point the disenfranchisement we experience daily is a lot our fault. Mostly because we have no presence within the political structure and aren't interacting with the present one or trying create one of our own. Xicanos as a group do not access any of the areas of decision making on a local, state or federal level. It's pretty much a shut out.

We need to get started. We need a party that represents the interests of Xicano, Latinos and Indigenous people in the United States. One that comes up from the grassroots and represents the interests of working people - not the interest of big business and international capitalism.

We start by having local realistic talks about politics and what it means to form a political vehicle that represents the broad interest of our community. It won't be easy. We have a ways to go in terms of identifying our role of complicity in our own economic, social and political oppression. We need ideas about how start this very necessary process of resistance.

Where to start then? Easily available and free on the internet are some materials assembled by Dr. Gene Sharp of the Albert Einstein Institute which could prove interesting. There are two in particular that bear special consideration From Dictatorship to Democracy and Col. Robert Helvey's On Strategic Non Violence two books most likely funded by monies from the Central Intelligence Agency to provide guidance to 'pro-democracy' agitators around the world.

If it works in Georgia and the Ukraine then why not in Arizona, Michigan or Ohio. Its time to step up and get serious about organizing broad based low intensity counter hegemonic responses to these systemic attacks on our community.

Freedom isn't free and neither are people who are hunted based on the color of their skin. 

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